Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cannon fire and burning buildings at Seifriedsburg

Since early morning, cannon fire has been heard from Seifriedsburg. By noon, billows of smoke indicated that buildings were on fire, though the cannon fire continues ....
Rumors abound ....

One: Frankszonians wiped out, Gallian forces taken heavy damage, but Hesse Seewald and Germania have basically expended an entire corps, though a cavalry division is rumored to be descending on Gemunden already.
Two: Frankszonians held the crest of the plateu and slaughtered the brigades sent against their barricades, but Hesse Seewald managed to flank the position.
Three: Seifreidsburg is burning, the Allies force has been split apart, but Von BallPark and Gen. Sorbet are rallying troops on the edges of Seifriedsburg to challange the lodgement gained by Hesse-Seewald ...
Four: Official disaptches in the early morning, initial Hessian assault repulsed, but Frankszonian position has been flanked and the force is falling back into the town proper Messengers galloping into camp are smoke smudged and occasionally injured ... rumors that Ballpark has said position is lost without reinforcements by nightfall ....

PS: The noted artiste Dame Edith has been making swift sketches of the conflict which may accompany the official report later ...

1 comment:

Bluebear Jeff said...

I'm sure that I'm amongst the many looking forward to viewing Dame Edith's work.

-- Jeff