Tuesday, March 3, 2009

and how cold was it?

The month of February has been pretty much a gaming wash out for me.
Between fleeing the Ice Storm, going to funerals, and standing by during the Ma in Law's hectic hospital stay, I've not been home much ... and not done any painting at all.
I'm getting back to things now, I hope. The trip to the SYW convention is pretty much lost, durn it.

But a note on "Later in the Day Saints." In addition to the vital passage in Acts, "It's too early in the day to be drunk," There's also a Proverb which states that "he who blesses his brethren loudly before the Morning Prayers, it is accounted unto him as a curse."



tradgardmastare said...

I trust March will be a better month for you and yours..
best wishes

David Morfitt said...

Yes, good wishes from me too - hope things improve!

All the best,
